BIO 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus, Binocular Vision

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Hominins: ardipithicus, australopithecus, paranthropus, homo habilis 5. The hominoidea (hominoids) house the gibbons, the great apes, and humans (hominins) The strepsirrhini is the most ancient primate lineage loris (limited to africa and asia) Have large eyes and good vision(theyre nocturnal & arboreal(live in trees) almost entirely herbivores. O(cid:373)e le(cid:373)urs do(cid:374)"t a(cid:272)t like other strepsirrhine groups(suggest after broke off from african mainland, most are diurnal. The remaining primates are haplorrhines(most are diurnal)-color vision in all these groups, prolonged parent. The platyrrhines (new world monkeys) live in south and central america. The catarrhines contain the old world monkeys and the hominoids (flat noses) The non-human hominoids are the gibbons and the great apes. The asian apes branched from other hominoids in two separate events. African apes and humans evolved most recently (similar dna) There are skeletal changes related to walking upright. Australopithecines is the first hominin group we have many fossils from. Lucy was an australopithecus afarensis 35% size of human brain.