BIO 200 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Thermophile, Brown Algae, Alveolate

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Chlamydia is very small, parasitic, cocci: smallest bacterial species, cannot live independently. Proteobacteria (purple bacteria) have very diverse metabolic pathways: ex: e. coli. Many crenarchaeota (but not all!) love hot, cold, or acidic environments: biggest contributors to the fixation of carbon. The euryarchaeota contains the methanogens, halophiles, and extreme thermophiles. Origin of the eukaryotes: earliest eukaryotes, eukaryotic traits, origins of of organelles, endosymbiosis: mitochondria and chloroplasts. Protists: protists are not monophyletic, protist traits, building the bridge to multicellularity. Types of protists: alveolates, stramenopiles, rhizarians, excavates, amoebozoans, choanoflagellates. Eukaryotes arise between 2. 7 and 1. 7 billion years ago. Several events preceded the origin of eukaryotic cell: flexible cell surface, cytoskeleton, nuclear envelope, digestive vacuoles, endosymbiosis. Eukaryotic traits: multicellularity, sexual reproduction, compartmentalization. Multicellularity allows for flexibility: sexual reproduction leads to increased genetic diversity (recombination) The first stage in the evolution of the eukarya is the loss of the cell wall: allows for gas and exchange: endocytosis.