BIO 121 Lecture Notes - Lecture 23: Cell Signaling, Cell Adhesion, Tunxis Community College

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23 Nov 2020

Document Summary

Structural functions: cellulose, plant starch, chitin (insect exoskeletons, cell adhesion. Energy storage and release: animal starch (glycogen, plant starch. Can be attached to other macromolecules both signaling and structural functions: proteins: glycoproteins: compounds present on the outer surface of cells other than bacteria. Some of these carbohydrate chains allow cells to adhere to one another, whereas others provide protection. Hydrophilic functional groups typically contain oxygen atoms; therefore, lipids, which have little oxygen, tend to be hydrophobic. Some lipids are used for energy storage, others serve as structural components of cell membranes, and some are important hormones. The most abundant lipids in living organisms are triacylglycerols. Reserve fuel storage because, when metabolized, they yield more than twice as much energy per gram as do carbohydrates. Carbohydrates and proteins can be transformed by enzymes into fats and stored within the cells of adipose (fat) tissue of animals and in some seeds and fruits of plants.