BIO 111 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Tunxis Community College, Membrane Transport Protein, Micelle

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Packaged in micelle to cross brush boarder of si. Active and passive transport (depending on concentration) Bs: protein carriers needs proteins to be digested - absorbed later down si. Vitamin c absorption efficiency drops from 90 to 50% at doses above 1g/day (1000mg) B1- absorbed juj by carrier-mediated transported by rbc excess excreted. B2 active during moderate intake, passive during high intake transported by carrier protein. B3 absorbed from stomach and si, active and passive diffusion transported from liver to needed tissue where its converted to coenzymes. Biotin free and bound form avidin in raw egg binds absorption of boitin (a dozen eggs per day) B6 -pyradoxine (al, amine) passive absorption transported by albumin - all 3 forms phosphorylated in liver excess stored in liver and muscle tissue) Folate, folacin, folic acid active with low intake, passive with high intake, taken to liver and converted from monoglutamate form to polyglutamiate form- stored in liver, excrete din urine.