BIO 3372 Lecture 3: Chapter 3 - Observing Microorganims Through A Microscope

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14 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Microorganisms are too small to be seen with the naked eye. Various types of microscopes are used to visualize microorganisms. Today"s microscopes use magni cations ten to thousand time greater clarity to that of van leeuwenhoek"s. Staining procedures of microorganisms are used to observe features of the microorganisms as well to aid visualizing the microbe. Metric system: standard unit of length is the meter. Microbes and their components are measure in micrometer and nanometer (10^-6 - Ability of the lenses to show ne detail and structure. Ability of the lenses to distinguish two points a speci ed distance apart. Shorter the wavelength of light - the greater the resolution. Example: if a microscope has a resolving power of 0. 4 micrometers, it can distinguish two points if they are 0. 4 micrometers apart. Light microscopy - use of any kind of microscope that uses visible light to observe specimens. Light microscope use long wavelengths and has a resolving power of 0. 2 micrometer.