BIO 121 Lecture 9: Bio Lecture 9:8:2014.pdf

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25 Sep 2014

Document Summary

For example, light energy is converted to chemical energy, then kinetic energy (cid:149) energy flows through an ecosystem, usually entering as light and exiting as heat. Environment (cid:149) every organism interacts with its environment, including nonliving factors and other organisms (cid:149) both organisms and their environments are affected by the interactions between them. Structure and function (cid:149) the cell is the lowest level of organization that can perform all activities required for life (cid:149) all cells. Based on heritable information in the form of dna. Theme: new properties emerge at each level in the biological. Life can be studied at different levels, from molecules to the entire living planet. The study of life can be divided into different levels of biological organization. Emergent properties result from the arrangement and interaction of parts within a system. Orbitals of the first and second principal energy levels of a neon atom are shown superimposed.