BIO 362 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Sexual Swelling, Precocial, Maladaptation

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Lecture #10: the human village and life history redesign. Human village- uniquely public human cooperation including non-kin; access to cheap coercion; first kinship-independent breeder. African bee eater- social breeding- kin selected, older siblings come back to help. Radical brain expansion is effect of village (elite throwing cooperation brain increase) Animals breed isolated where each female and male have their own territory mate females raise. Kinship independent domain and come back to kin end of the day. Precocial (develop rapidly to adult behavior) and altricial (slow development) Expanding brain size is very expensive, so can only occur in context of the village. Human brain are significant compared to adult body weight, other great apes are just. Massive brain expansion is effect of village (allowed by elite throwing) Chimp cannot survive with brain expansion gene variation alone because needs the correct environment for it- maladaptation actually.