BIO 361 Lecture 28: LECTURE 28B BIOCHEM

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Ubiquinone (coq) can bind to sites on the intermembrane space facing side and matrix facing side of complex iii, and antimycin a is an inhibitor of complex iii that binds close to the matrix facing side. Stigmatellin binds to complex iii close to the intermembrane space facing side. This is the cytochrome c1 portion of complex iii with heme c1 binding cytochrome c (soluble and diffusible molecule). It is not hard to visualize that electrons can jump from heme c1 in complex iii to the c-type heme in cytochrome c (floating in intermembrane space). Complex iv also has multiple subunits, and just as there were in complex iii, a docking site exists in complex iv for cytochrome c so that it can easily transfer electrons easily to complex iv. When cytochrome c binds to complex iv, its electrons are transferred initially to copper (copper. From copper a, the electrons are transferred from to cytochrome a with its heme-a.