BIO 358 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Small Molecule, Chemical Bond, Deoxyribose

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We know what life is a particular case of chemistry. Look at reductionism from the top where their interest is and look down on reductionism and it doesn"t work. Scientists are looking to take apart everything in component pieces. Not how natural scientists use it- look at it from bottom up- taking few components of level below to explain next level of complexity and happens at each level. Going to be using natural science def of reductionism. Reductionist pyramid reach down into atoms and elements answer is very simple. Then look at bonds answer lies only in polar covalent bonds so ignore the others. All we need to know is about h and o and can ignore all. Next level look at molecules and what types of molecules between h and o with polar covalent bonds. Answer becomes simple every step of the way- disregard the rest. Explain how human societies and behavior emerged from non human.