BIO 358 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Ethnocentrism, Involuntary Servitude, Authoritarianism

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Lecture 24: final considerations the contemporary world and a sustainable human future. The majority of our descent is from afro-eurasian. Precision weapons and the new logic of pan-global coercion: late 90"s tomahawk cruise missile, carry either nuclear or conventional hyper explosives, can be fired from submarines, aircrafts, and ships. Democracies are the opposite: 13th amendment: neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, 14th amendment: due process of law, 15th amendment: right to vote, regardless of race or color, power is hell. Democracy, ethical psychology and ideology: moral outrage is in both authoritarianism and in democracy, 1st amendment: congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or secular ideology. Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press: elites always have these ideologies. Transparency and elite power: democratized states do not suppress descent. Elite states always do: elite states hush up journalists, democratized states don"t, authoritarian states are poor, no exceptions.