BIO 358 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Natural Selection, Metatarsal Bones, Turkana Boy

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Lecture 12: how and when we became human the fossil record part 2. It takes a village to raise a big brained human child. The village begins to explode into record just over 2 mya. And bipedalism is much older, around 4. 5 mya. Redesign of the human body to throw what do we expect: archer fish are redesigned to produce projectile shooting. Because they can"t use this in conspecifics from a distance. (they can"t shoot water, under water: humans throw with elite skill, unlike our closest living relatives. We throw like cheetahs run and dolphins swim. Our body is redesigned to let us do such a behavior. The australopith platform meeting lucy: lucy was a biped, but had an ape sized brain, lucy was an australopithecus, but we are homo. Redesign of the muscle that torque the torso: the muscle fibers show which way the muscles go.