BIO 208 Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Aplysia Gill And Siphon Withdrawal Reflex, Classical Conditioning, Learning

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Increase in strength of behavior terminals: associative learning refers to the change in response to a stimulus that depends on interaction with another stimulus, a) classical conditioning- requires pairing with another stimulus- Pavlovian conditioning: b) operant conditioning- behavior is reinforced in response to a reward, e. g. , bar pressing to obtain food reinforcement. Habituation and sensitization of gill withdrawal reflex in aplysia: caused by synaptic depression and synaptic faciliatation. Classical conditioning: an example of associative learning: pavlov. Cellular model of conditioning: pairing motor neuron discharge caused by us (orange) with cs (sn1, green) leads to enhanced transmitter output from sn resulting in a cr (pink). Cs is nor paired with the us and its response is not strengthened (no cr): fire together wire together. Requires protein synthesis: represents a structural change which may account for its persistence. If the criterion is a continually increasing h- reflex the animal will increase the size of the spinal reflex (red).