BIO-17 Lecture Notes - Lecture 32: Mnemonic, Peer Pressure

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4 Dec 2020

Document Summary

Say "hello," and greet the patient appropriately. Introduce yourself: give appropriate attention to everyone"s comfort, eliminate noise and other distractions when possible. White noise: outline the purposes of the interview and assess the patient"s understanding. Begin with a comfortable, open-ended question, such as, "how can i be of help?" Summarize and recheck for accuracy: ask if there were any other questions or concerns, appropriately indicate next steps. Appear comfortable, relaxed, and engaged, freely giving responses and discussing concerns. Convey a sense of understanding of your remarks. First impressions: you have minutes to obtain a thorough history. The history (the patient"s history, especially for an initial visit, provides a comprehensive database for follow-up visits and provides information to others) Factors that influence the perception and interpretation of symptoms. Recent termination of a significant relationship because of death, divorce, or other less obvious intrusions (e. g. , moving to a new city)