BIO 205 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Hennepin County Medical Center

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There are three limitations that schwartz recognizes on the exercise of autonomy. The wanglie case is about mrs. wanglie who was an 87-year old woman who tripped on a rug in her home and fractured her hip. County medical center where her doctors determined that she needed assistance with breathing. She was placed on a ventilator and in 3 months was transferred again. She suffered from cardiac arrest and after being resuscitated, suffered severe brain damage that put her in a vegetative state. After months of being in this vegetative state, her doctors decided that the continuation of medical treatment was inappropriate. The doctors sent out a court order to find a conservator to replace mr. wanglie to make healthcare decisions. The court confirmed mr. wanglie"s authority and she was kept on a ventilator. Schwartz believed that having physicians deciding what treatments to provide gives patients more options.