BIO 172 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Pubic Symphysis, Osteoid, Intervertebral Disc

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22 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Compact: dense or corical bone, relaively dense connecive issue, appears white, smooth and solid, 80% of bone mass. Spongy: cancellous or trabecular bone, located internal to compact bone, appears porous, 20% of bone mass. Support and protecion: bones provide structural support, framework for body, protect delicate issues. Movement end of gi tract: bones serve as the atachment sites for. Muscle contracion exering a pull on the skeleton: can alter direcion and magnitude of forces generated by muscles. Hemopoiesis: blood cell producion, occurs in red bone marrow connecive issue, stem cells form blood cells and platelets. Storage of mineral and energy reserves: bone stores body"s reserve of calcium and phosphate. Lipids stored in yellow bone marrow of adult bones. Long bone: greater in length than width, elongated cylindrical shat (diaphysis, most common, found in upper and lower limbs, vary in size. Short bone: length nearly equal to width.