BIO 12 Lecture 31: Bio_12_-_Human_Physio_-_31

26 views2 pages
14 Aug 2020
Jeff Koo
Bio 12
Human Physio
Spring 2020
4 Units
Endocrine: Energy Metabolism
Energy Metabolism = the way our bodies store and utilize energy
Driven by:
1. Storage of nutrients with food intake and breakdown of stored nutrients between meals
for energy
2. Maintaining blood glucose levels at all times
Anabolic pathway synthesis of larger biomolecules from smaller ones
Absorbs energy
Catabolic pathway breakdown of large biomolecules into smaller ones
Releases energy
Absorptive & Post-absorptive States
Absorptive state
After a meal (3-4 hours)
Anabolic pathways
Nutrients in bloodstream plentiful from absorption
Glucose serves as the primary fuel
Fats, amino acids, and excess glucose are stored
Energy input > Output
Postabsorptive state
Between meals
Catabolic pathways
Maintain plasma glucose levels; energy stores must be mobilized
Expenditure > Intake
Glucose: Uptake, utilization, storage
Uptake by glucose transporters
Oxidized to yield energy
Can be used immediately as energy inside the cell
Glucose itself can be metabolized to yield ATP (glycolysis, citric acid cycle)
Glycogenesis (liver and muscles)
Can be converted
Glycogenolysis (liver and muscle cells)
Can be converted
Proteins: Uptake, utilization, storage
1. Taken up by cells including muscle and liver cells
a. Used as building blocks for proteins that are needed
2. Protein synthesis
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Document Summary

Energy metabolism = the way our bodies store and utilize energy. Driven by: storage of nutrients with food intake and breakdown of stored nutrients between meals for energy, maintaining blood glucose levels at all times. Anabolic pathway synthesis of larger biomolecules from smaller ones. Catabolic pathway breakdown of large biomolecules into smaller ones. Fats, amino acids, and excess glucose are stored. Maintain plasma glucose levels; energy stores must be mobilized. Can be used immediately as energy inside the cell. Glucose itself can be metabolized to yield atp (glycolysis, citric acid cycle) Circulating triglycerides (in lipoproteins) are broken down into monoglyceride and fatty acids by lpl (lipoprotein lipase) enzyme. Fatty acids are taken up by nearby cells. Oxidized to release energy, co2 and h20. Fatty acids can be combined with glycerol to form new triglycerides and stored in adipose tissue. Triglycerides can be broken down in fat cells to yield fatty acids and glycerol (lipolysis)