BIO 11 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Clavicle, Sternohyoid Muscle, Infrahyoid Muscles

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Assists in elevating mandible; closes jaws, assists in retracting and moving mandible from side to side. Elevates the mandible and closes the caw, or moves mandible from side to. Opens jaws, protrudes mandible, or moves mandible side to side. Intrinsic muscles originate and insert within the tongue. Extrinsic muscles originate from structures outside of the tongue and insert into the tongue. Depress mandible, opening mouth, and/or elevates larynx and retracts hyoid bone. Support to mouth floor, superior to the mylohyoid muscle. Muscles of anterior neck stabilize hyoid for tongue movement. Depress mandible, opening mouth, elevates the larynx. Two bellies one originates and mandible and the other at temporal bone. Elevates floor of mouth, elevates hyoid bone and/or depresses mandible. Additional support to the floor of the mouth. Attaches to the scapula, clavicle, first rib, and hyoid bone. Sternum and the thyroid cartilage of the larynx. Thyroid cartilage of the larynx and hyoid bone.