BIO 11 Lecture 15: Biol_11_Notes_15

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What does muscle tissue do movement. Flexion decreasing the angle between bone parts. Extension increasing the angle between bone parts. Hyperextension extending a joint beyond anatomical position. Lateral flexion flexion in frontal plane usually involves the head or trunk. Abduction moving away from the midline. Rotation bone turns about its longitudinal axis. Circumduction - movement in which the distal end of a body part describes a circle. Supination movement which turns the palms anteriorly. Pronation movement which turns the palms posteriorly. Inversion movement of foot so that the soles face medially. Eversion movement of the foot so that the soles face laterally. Dorsiflexion dorsum of foot moves up toward tibia. Plantar flexion sole of foot (plantar side) moves posterior (en pointe) Elevation upward movement of a body part. Depression downward movement of a body part. Protraction movement of a body part forward in a horizontal plane. Retraction movement of a body part back to anatomical position.