BIO 11 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Lesser Omentum, Enteric Nervous System, Submucous Plexus

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1 Sep 2020

Document Summary

Concentric layers of tissue surround a space - lumen. Inner epithelium - layer of connective tissue, smooth muscle and an outer layer of connective tissue. Most regions of the alimentary canal have four named tissue layers. Epithelium - simple columnar with copious goblet cells that secrete an alkaline mucus. Lamina propria thin layer of loose connective tissue that houses blood & lymphatic vessels, glands, and mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue. Two thin layers of the smooth muscle (muscularis mucosae) are arranged in different directions. Inner layer is circular and outer layer is longitudinal. Allows motility as the layers contract alternately. Composed of dense irregular connective tissue with blood and lymphatic vessels and submucosal glands. Nerve clusters of the enteric nervous system submucosal plexus (meissner) Thick muscular layer composed of smooth muscle in most of the alimentary canal. Serosa (visceral peritoneum) organs within the peritoneal cavity. Simple squamous epithelial tissue and loose connective tissue. Adventitia in organs outside the peritoneal cavity.