BIO 263 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Lymphatic Vessel, Extracellular Fluid, Bone Marrow

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18 Jun 2018
Lymphatic System
-Produce some immune cells (lymphocytes)
-Provide environment for the maturation of some lymphocytes
-Provide environment for the replication of activated lymphocytes
-Maintain blood volume and composition
-Bottom line – Major aspects of normal immune function involve the lymphatic system
Primary lymphoid structures – make new lymph cells
-Bone marrow
Peripheral lymphoid structures – house activated lymph cells
-Lymph vessels
-Nodules and nodes
Lymphatic fluid
-Interstitial fluid
-Basically blood plasma
-The same fluid that surrounds all cells within all tissues
-Immune cells that kill by chemical warfare
-Immune cells that kill by eating
-Think “amoeba”
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Document Summary

Provide environment for the maturation of some lymphocytes. Provide environment for the replication of activated lymphocytes. Bottom line major aspects of normal immune function involve the lymphatic system. Primary lymphoid structures make new lymph cells. Peripheral lymphoid structures house activated lymph cells. The same fluid that surrounds all cells within all tissues. Walls of capillaries are porous and allow fluid to pass through. Pressure inside capillaries is higher than the pressure in the tissue fluid. Fluid is pushed out of capillaries into the tissues. Tissue fluid does not move back in to capillaries at the same rate as it leaves the capillaries. Tissue fluid can"t just keep collecting in the tissues. Lymphatic vessels are the path by which this extra fluid is funneled out of the tissues and dumped back into the blood. Circulatory system is a loop, lymphatic system is a line. Fluid enters the lymphatic vessels in the tissue.