BIO 105 Lecture Notes - Lecture 32: Reproductive Isolation, Prokaryote, Founder Effect

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22 Dec 2020

Document Summary

Idea that a large prokaryote incorporated another smaller prokaryote creating an organelle within the large and therefore making it a eukaryote. Honest signal : true reflection of a quality where the quality of the signal is truly reflective of the trait quality. Dishonest signal : any untrue reflection of quality to try to manipulate the receiver. Types of speciation: allopatric and sympatric: sympatric- no geographic speciation, allopatric- geographic speciation. Based on reproductive isolation (barriers to reproduction); prezygotic and post-zygotic barriers. Change (at the scale of a population) in the allele frequency within a population. Natural selection: non-random change in the allele frequency. Not random because it"s adaptive (best adapted fitness results in more, better suited offspring) Adaptive evolution: differences in fitness to result in the best adapted individuals, leaving more offspring thereby evolving. The random change is then acted upon by natural selection. Genetic drift= occurs in small populations (from a larger) where who survives is random but it"s non-adaptive.