BIO 2306 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: J. B. S. Haldane, Sewall Wright, Metabolic Pathway

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Early molecular genetics: requirements for genetic material, contain biologically useful information in a stable form, capable of faithful reproduction and transmission from generation to generation, must have the capability and capacity to be copied accurately. There must be a process that allows the information to be transferred to generation to generation: must be capable of occasional change. Must encode the phenotype- this came from the book it was not discussed in lecture. The genetic material must have the capacity to be expressed: early pioneers-focused on what does it do, garrod 1909: errors in metabolic pathways. He discovered that the disease occurred due to disruption in the metabolic pathway: this was caused by mutations to gene(s) that expressed a particular enzyme(s) needed for the metabolic pathway. He expanded his discovery to many recessive inherited disorders like albinism etc: s. w. wright and the guinea pigs (sewall wright) He used to focus on coat color inheritance in guinea pigs.