BIO-1103 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Epidermolysis Bullosa, Brca1, Ultraviolet

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13 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Chapter 7 bio regulating gene expression and mutations. Inheriting one mutated brca1 allele increases the risk of cancer: people born with a mutated brca1 allele have a higher risk of developing cancer than people with two normal brca1 alleles. Mistakes in dna replication can produce mutations: errors during dna replication can lead to permanent mutations if they are not repaired or repaired incorrectly. Somatic mutations: mutations that cannot be passed along to offspring. Germline mutations: mutations that can be passed along to offspring through sex cells. New plant varieties: disease resistance, taste, flavor, appearance, vitamin and other nutrient content, higher yields. Animal breeds with traits desirable to man. Substitutes one dna base for another: ex) epidermolysis bullosa. Missense mutations: alternate amino acid, sickle cell anemia. Nonsense mutations: stop codon (uaa, uag, cystic fibrosis. Net loss or gain of one or more bases: muscular dystrophy (ins, hypercholesterolemia, cystic fibrosis (ins, hemophilia (del)