Kinesiology 2222A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Gluteus Maximus Muscle, Lumbar Plexus, List Of Flexors Of The Human Body

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Thigh from hip to knee with 3 compartments. Knee to ankle is lower leg with 3 compartments. Innervation to this region which carries down thigh into lower leg via 2 nerve plexuses. Lumbar plexus: spinal roots coming out of the lumbar region forming this plexus. Femoral and obturator nerve come out of this plexus. Sacral plexus: give rise to 4 nerves. Sciatic nerve. very thick looks like an extension cord. Hip flexor group. most powerful hip flexor. Anterior on the hip joint causing flexion of the hip joint. Psoas: 2 muscles- major and minor doing the same thing. Psoas major and minor originate off transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. Make one large muscle referred to as the illiopsoas (biggest hip flexor) 2 origins where 2 large muscles are. Insertion point of both is the lesser trochanter (crosses the hip joint) When doing sit ups use this hip flexor more than abs. crunches uses the abs.