Health Sciences 2801A/B Lecture Notes - Discriminant, Psychopathology, Stroop Effect

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Measurement is a process of using indicators to represent constructs. Indicators inside the box are the ones used to measure the construct (fig. Score is the number measurement on side. Indicator is the length/extent of mercury: possible to have more than one indicator. Indicators are relevant to the construct but aren"t being used. Construct irrelevant variance: something irrelevant being used to measure construct, adding something that is irrelevant to the score, therefore changing the score (variable) 4th indicator has no arrow, but still used in measurement process. Ex. strongest- i1, weakest-i4: raven puzzle. Read the colour of the word and not the colour the word reads. Score- the time it takes to complete the puzzle. Is concerned with there being a sufficient number of indicators to represent all important facets of the construct: structural aspect. Is concerned with the level of association between indicators and a construct. Ex. stuffy nose, red eyes indicators of allergies: external criterion aspect.