Health Sciences 2801A/B Study Guide - Final Guide: Affix, Cluster Analysis, Categorical Variable

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Document Summary

Measurement is a process of using indicators to represent constructs. Counting is numeric: set of numbers driving from some process. Construct: fancy word for concepts, conceptual template that serves to organize our experience of the world. An indicator: a perceptual feature of the world. A score: a numeric value resulting from a measurement process. Measurements are made up of: construct. Indicates the temperature: the higher up it goes, the higher body temp. A number on the celsius scale: lemon tea. Construct: the volume of the box. Score: a number based on these indicators in cm cubed. Indicators: the amount of time it takes to correctly name all the words. There was only one indicator in this task: (cid:862) i(cid:374)gle i(cid:374)di(cid:272)ato(cid:396)(cid:863) Positive relationship: as something goes up, the other thing goes up. Negative relationship: as something goes up, the other thing goes down.