BCH210H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 32: Close-Packing Of Equal Spheres, Oxaloacetic Acid, Atp Synthase

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BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
BCH210H1 Full Course Notes
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The skinny" on fat a huge amount of stored energy . 718 a deeper look: end of chapter problems ch. 22: 8: review questions posted on blackboard, socrative room # 317683. Sample final exam posted along with review questions: understand material and apply it to certain problem sets taken up in tutorial. Tags need to be mobilized from fat tissue and transported to other cells to generate energy: beta oxidation is the breakdown of those fatty acid chains, atp is made through various pathways. Three fatty acid chains, each broken down for energy production. Triacylglycerol (triglycerides: both epinephrine and glucagon can initiate gpcr signaling pathways to breakdown glycogen. They also initiate fat breakdown in adipose tissue: breakdown tag molecules to synthesize atp. To do this, there are some extra steps. In muscle, glycogen is immediately broken down and used in glycolysis: more complicated for fatty acid chains, takes more time.