BIO230H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Tumor Suppressor Gene, Cytochrome P450, Aflatoxin

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BIO230H1 Full Course Notes
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Based on current incidence rates, 40-45% of canadians will develop cancer during their lifetimes. On the basis of current mortality rates, about 1 in every 4 canadians will die from cancer. To combat cancer, we need to understand what leads to cancer at the level of cells and molecules. Cancer progression occurs due to defects in molecular machinery and regulatory mechanisms that normally control cell shapes, functions, interactions, numbers. There are 30-100 trillion cells in a human body. Billions of cells likely experience mutations daily: the body is able to normally destroy these aberrant cells. Cancers are categorized by tissue type (place of origin) Sarcoma: connective tissue or muscle cell cancers. Note: not all tumours are cancerous; a tumour, or lump, in blood vessels can also be a clot. Tumour (neoplasm: uncontrolled growing mass of abnormal cells, not the same as a cancer necessarily; not all tumours are cancers and not all cancers are tumours.