BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Ecophysiology, Bipedalism, Exhalation

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Lecture 16 - tradeoffs and compromises: conclude and summarize physiological ecology of animals, begin on plants. Being good at x might mean being bad at y. Solving on problem might create a new one. Environments are complex, can"t always be adapted to all of it. Builds on what"s already there, existing developmental programs. Series of adaptions design for coping with desert life. For dealing with heat and lack of water. Hops, bipedal, to reduce contact with ground ; reduces conductive heat flow from desert ground. Erect posture, bipedal, less heat gain from ground. Super efficient kidneys - produce super concentrated urine to preserve water. Metabolic water sufficient - don"t drink water --> get water from food, from seeds. Nocturnal, spend hot days underground avoid extra pressure from sun. Cache seeds underground, recapture water vapour from exhalation - collect large number of seed and store them where they sleep.