BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 14: Volumetric Heat Capacity, Biome, Orogeny

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Bio120: climate and biomes, change along transects, species range (lecture 14) General trends of terrestrial vegetation with climatic variables. Vegetation growth (primary productivity) increases with moisture and temperature. Regions with certain combinations of moisture and temperature develop predictable, characteristic types of vegetation (biomes) In places in world that are very far apart, certain plants grow well in certain combinations of temperature and precipitation. Graph of mean annual temperature at places around the world and mean annual precipitation. Wetter at top, hotter at left, colder at right. At different combinations of temperature and precipitation, get these different biome types. Plant growth: the wetter and warmer things are, the higher the productivity. Itcz doesn"t move around earth uniformly, bends (why you don"t see latitudinal stripes) Far north: more latitudinal changes (strips of tundra, strips of boreal) Additional climate patchiness overlaid on basic latitudinal belts.