BIO380H5 Lecture 1: Lecture 1 notes – INTRODUCTION

107 views7 pages
23 Jun 2016

Document Summary

1 gametogenesis both male and female sex cells should be converted genetically (genes) and phenotypically (shape) 2 gametes (ovum or sperm) must be released from the gonads and make their way to the uterine tube. 3 fertilized ovum must enter the uterus and be implanted: transformation of the fertilized oocyte into a multicellular human being via: Cell division fertilized ovum will be divided and for a lump they will be specialized cells. Cell migration these specialized cells will migrated toward the right area. Differentiation some of the cells will differentiated to specific cells (ie. neurons, endocrine cells) Programmed cell death because some cells are not needed. Growth: a continuous process, does not stop at birth. Developmental periods: divide human development into prenatal (before birth) and postnatal (after birth) periods, this course will focus on prenatal development. Gametogenesis development of the gametes: the formation of mature eggs and sperm; has 4 phases.