BIO375H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Patent Office, Design Patent, Biomedical Technology

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20 Jan 2017

Document Summary

***note: after 2nd last lecture before 2nd term test, instructions for npd project will be posted. Drug development process involves many different procedures, specifically 3 big areas : 1. discovery and pre-clinical. 4 sub-areas: discovery validation identification pre-clinical testing: 2. Phase iv, distribution channels & marketing note: phase iv is generally after fda approval. You need to consider manufacturing/marketing research ahead of time instead of following a strict pathway, bc you"ll be in trouble if your product doesn"t work too late. You should not wait until the end of the pathway to start thinking about the concept of marketing somewhere at the early stages of the product"s development should you consider marketing. Patents most related to biomedical technology. Copyright mostly has to deal w artwork. A1 is a code will not ask question about this. Publication date: may not have been the same as the filing date. Provisional application: will talk about later in this lec.