BIO374H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Transplant Rejection, Organ Transplantation, Xenotransplantation

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24 Nov 2015

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11. 4 potential of regenerative medicine surgery, radiation, drug therapy are the three traditional treatment options. Organs are not very easily replaced, donor and recipient must match. Fetal tissue graft - fetal neurons are placed into a culture plate fetal neurons act like a bridge to connect a gap in injury eg severed spinal cord. Fetal tissues come from embryos or fetuses from accident victims or legally aborted embryos. 8 million surgeries related to organ transplant issues. 100,000 die each year without qualifying to be on the waiting list. Autografting - transplantation of the patient"s own tissue from one region of the body to another. For organ transplantation, organ rejection is a problem. Mhc - major histocompatibility complex proteins of the donor and recipients need to match recipient must take immunosuppressive drugs which weaken their immune system. Xenotransplantation - the transfer of organs from different species may be an alternative.