BIO374H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Cataract Surgery, Polio Vaccine, Veterinary Medicine

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22 Oct 2015

Document Summary

A problem that can be encountered is it is hard to collect enough blood from mouse. Why use genetically engineered animals? (be able to mention at least one point) Enhance our understanding of all animals, including humans. A drug can be powerful to kill cancer cells, but it can also kill normal cells -> need to use whole organism. If we only use in vitro, we won"t see the side effects. Animals most often used are purebred mice and rats. Dogs, monkeys, chimpanzees, cats make up less than 1% of total number of research animals. Figure: if we want to test blood cells. Before we transfer the blood, we need to irradiate to kill the blood cells. And then we wait 8-12 weeks to transfer the stem cells from human cord blood. Zebrafish is good for high reproductive phase; embryogenesis is very fast; embryo is visible inside the egg.