BIO320H5 Lecture 14: BIO320 Lecture 14

71 views3 pages
16 Mar 2016

Document Summary

Not storing of food that is impressive, but the retrieval is. Interspecific and intraspecific differences in spatial memory in birds and mammals. In food storing, roaming, and cuckolding spices, one sex may face higher demands on spatial memory. In closely related species, there are those that store food ( and later retrieve it) and those that do not. 2) nutcracker hides acorn in a greater number: 10000, spaced 20-30 km apart, they have a se sense of when they buried a piece of food and when they have to retrieve it ex. They need to get worms faster than nuts because they will rot faster. Scrub jays as compared to nutcracker, is that scrub jays actually stores different kinds of foods. What they put and where they put these foods. When there are other birds around they will hide out of the sight.