BIO205H5 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Reinforcement, Dependent And Independent Variables, Psy

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20 Apr 2016

Document Summary

Magazine training turning the food delivery sound into a secondary. Reinforcer: classical conditioning teaching the animal to respond to stimuli (sound) as if it were a desired reward (food). b. ** read page 49 on sniffy manuel - testable** Crf (continuous reinforcement - every bar press will get a bar of cheese) Press bar is a label that tells printer to keep track of bar pressing. Independent variable bar pressing (how printer hooked up to the pressing thing) Sound food if you are good magazine trainer (classical conditioning) this bar will go up. Magazine training is completed when the sound food association goes to 75%. Mark your record. (click experiment then mark record ). Once finished magazine training you are ready to move onto shaping. But do not leave sniffy because he will forget what you taught him (risk of losing behaviour taught/classical conditioning)