BIO 3303 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Skeletal Muscle, Myofibril, Phosphorylase

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Physiology obeys the laws of physics and chemistry. Review of the 1st assignment: integration across scales counts! In other words, for this assignment, there"s combinations of large and small bones, all of different shapes and sizes. As for the second point, bones are chemicals put together, bound by physics. Physiology is shaped by evolution; similarities vs differences in the structure of the skeleton of an elephant and that of a cat. The last point is particularly difficult to work with in terms of the muscles and skeletons of the animals, so it was expected of us not to work with it. For assignment 2, think of the musculo-skeletal content. Midterm 1 short answers, most likely will have figures/graphs where information may be missing, and one or two long-answer questions. It will be integrative, and we"ll have to bring together stuff we"ve learned in class! Remain the same length (isometric contraction) self-explanatory. Important for assignment 2 (sarcomeres and their position)