BIO 3302 Lecture 2: Lecture 2

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Fish: have simplest circulatory system; the heart pumps blood first to the gas exchange system (gills) and from the gills it goes back to the body and to the heart (no separation of oxy and deoxy circulation) Mammals and birds: there are two loops; the pulmonary system pumps blood to the lungs, while the systemic system pumps blood to the body and back to the heart. Along with these anatomical differences there are functional differences in terms of systemic circuit blood pressures: In conclusion, the functional consequence of having anatomical separation is having high systemic pressures while keeping pulmonary pressures low: fish: Have single circuit driven by single pump. There are two separate circuits run by two pumps; the pumps are housed together in the heart. Each pump has an atrium and a ventricle; the atrium collects blood to send it to the ventricle; while the ventricle does the work of pumping the blood to the body.