BIO 3302 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Stenohaline, Sodium Chloride, Elasmobranchii

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Hyperventilating before a dive extends dive time by increasing arterial po2 and blood[o2]. False, decreasing partial pressure of co2 not increasing po2. Muscles of adapted diver may contain up to 10x of myosin from non-diving mammals. High p50 of elephant seal blood suggest they dive with lungs full of air. False, affinity tells you something about whether the lungs are fill of air or not. Need to extract from lung which means low affinity. People may faint during diving causing fall in blood pressure caused by dive response. False, hyperventilating before dive will faint bc low co2. Fall in bp is false bc it is normal (does not decrease or increase) Less blood going to muscles and kidneys so likely to produce less urine and less bleeding of muscles. Human dive response - longer dive so lower heart response: resting hr, hr at 10-20, 20-30 and 30-40 s of breath hold, recovery hr at 60 s after breath hold.