BIO 2135 Lecture 9: BIO2135-(9)-Arthropoda

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Ecdysozoa (autapomorphies: moulted protein cuticle reinforced with alpha-chitin or collagen, no surface cilia, loss of the coelom. Animal innovations (symplesiomorphies: cuticle of alpha-chitin and noncollagenous protein, haemocoel with dorsal tubular ostiate heart, ecdysis, food manipulated by limbs, saccate metanephridia. Animal innovations (symplesiomorphies: articulated limbs, three segmented brain, exoskeleton with articulated plates. Arthropoda (autapomorphies: muscles arranged in bands, compound eye, one pair of preoral antennae, three pairs of post oral appendages. Crustacea (autapomorphies: antennal and/or maxillary saccate metanephridia, nauplius larval stage, biramous appendages, gnathobasic articulated mandible. Chelicerata (autapomorphies: two tagma: prosoma and opisthosoma, prosoma with six pairs of appendages, chelicera, first pair of appendages, loss of antenna and deuterocerebrum. Atelocerata (autapomorphies) on the head: mandibles without, loss of second pair of appendages articulation, malpighian tubules, paired segmental tracheal system. Evolution of flight (not an ancestral character. ) Old queen leaves colony and takes some workers with her and forms new colony. New queen mates with drones and returns to nest.