BIO 1300 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Cambrian Explosion, Nucleus Accumbens, Cortisol

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16 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Lower brain and brain stem: te(cid:373): ge(cid:374)eral alert(cid:374)ess a(cid:374)d (cid:449)ar(cid:374)i(cid:374)g s(cid:455)ste(cid:373), keepi(cid:374)g a se(cid:374)se of a(cid:449)are(cid:374)ess of o(cid:374)e"s surroundings, found in all vertebrates, regulate the internal state of the body. The limbic system: mediates motivated behaviours, emotional states, and memory processes, also regulates body temperature, blood pressure, and blood-sugar level, and performs other housekeeping activities. The cerebrum and cortex: the (cid:272)ere(cid:271)ru(cid:373) regulates the (cid:271)rai(cid:374)"s higher (cid:272)og(cid:374)iti(cid:448)e a(cid:374)d e(cid:373)otio(cid:374)al fu(cid:374)(cid:272)tio(cid:374)s. Ion channels include: sodium/potassium gates and sodium potassium pumps: resting potential is slightly negative (-70mv, action potential: polarity change inside neurons. % so that the brain has enough energy to develop in the first 2 years of life. Secure attachment pattern: children use their mother as a home base and are at ease when she is present. When she leaves, they become upset and go to her as soon as she returns. Avoidant attachment pattern: children do not seek proximity to their mother.