BIO 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Dynein, Shortwave Radio, Pus

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Cilia-movement around surroundings or they move to attack surroundings, short, movement begins right at the base, moves like and ore, forward power stroke and a recovery stroke, same structure as flagella. Flagella -moving from point a-b, long, first part is rather immobile-s-wave, like a propeller, same structure as cilia. The nextin holds the adjacent doublets together. Dynein is walking back towards the cell (the minus end) Cross section of 9+2 structure, there is a series of motor structures (dynein) always walking in one direction, the length will determine weather it is a fast or short wave. The cross linking proteins prevents them from falling apart. Centrosomes- two centrioles in and l-shape, made up on nine triplets, they can act as a base or anchor for cilia and flagella. Gap junctions-calcium makes them change their orientations, Neurone tells the muscle it needs to move and the axon delivers the acetylcholine to the muscle.