BIO 1140 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Phenyl Group, Phospholipid, Cholesterol

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Membrane fluidity-changes in temperature affect it, higher temperature makes the phospholipids more excited, they are moving more and it causes them to be more fluid, low temp means less interactions, less movement which means the fluidity is reduced. Length of the chain: -longer chains and shorter chains influence the fluidity. Polarity: there are different types of phospholipids, there are different functional groups attached so the polarities are different (functional groups discussed in previous lectures) Pe-is more fluid and polar then pc. Cholesterol works against extreme temperatures-(low temperature makes the phospholipids tightly compact and the cholesterol loosens them up a bit) (high temperature, adding cholesterol restricts the movement of the phospholipids-it adds stability and rigidity. )the cholesterol is like a buffer effect to the phospholipids. Adapting to the environment and changes in condition is homeoviscous adaptation. (be able to talk about) This is most likely a good exam question. Membrane proteins-because they interact and are involved with the membrane.