BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Synapomorphy, Paraphyly, Monophyly

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Biologist have trouble explaining what it is. Biological species (mayer 1904-2005) species are groups of actually or potentially interbreeding populations which are reproductive isolation from others such group. If one species mate with another species that turns into a new species. A spcies that gradually change over time the achesor disappear human = anagenesis , we share gene with others but we out beat them so they disappear. Cladogenesis species arrive from some sort of events, evolves independently to make a new species. Allopatric species dispersal tornado blow it into another location they colonize and create a new species. Phylogentic species each trait shared with another. Apomorphies derived characters within a group (evolutionary lineage) Plesiomorphies primitive characters within a group. Symplesionmorphies shared primitive characters that are shared between groups. Evolution of a species thing happened in more than 1 evolution is parsimony.