BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 8: Theophrastus, Disruptive Selection, Cladogenesis

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

First recorded definition of biology (treviranus 1802) No one would call themselves biologists, the all had more specific names. Morphology is a very early type of biology. The pace of biological exploration is inclining very much over the past few years and in today"s time. 3 stages important and what was driving science: 400 bce- 450 ce: greek and romans. Transportation, commerce, wealth is put into knowledge and the knowledge is written down and coded. Their understanding gets transmitted out into the world. Roman empire fell apart in 450 ce because germanic tribes took over and destroyed the city of rome, ending the commerce, transportation, communication, all knowledge being made because europe was destroyed. Scala naturae- the great chain of being. Everything s reestablished after being destroyed: 16th-18th century: renaissance and the scientific revolution. A writer and known for great things in the science community. Gives an alternative way to look at the progression of science.