BIO 1130 Lecture 9: Kinetics.docx

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Quantitative traits (multiple loci traits: 95 % one area, 5% below and above. Directional selection (multiple loci traits: shifting distribution curve in a direction, spread is the same, -average in median value shifts. Stabilizing selection (multiple loci: getting rid of variation, mean stays the same, spread changes, too long/too short are gotten rid of, goldenrod, fly lays egg in stem tissue, egg hatches. Uncontrolled cell development: gull too small: attacked by wasps, gull too bag: attacked by woodpecker. Disruptive selection (multiple loci: middle at disadvantage, example: finch beak size o. Inbreeding: 25% aa, 25% aa, 50% aa, eventually driven to be all homozygous, enrichment of recessive trait, change in allelic frequency, no (not a case of evolution) Sexual dimorphism: male and female different reproductive strategy, female: egg limit (fixed) Metabolic energy ornamentation: male: unlimited gametes. These mutations can be beneficial or no effect: chromosomal mutations (more impact than point) o. Chunk of chromosome flipped the other way around.