BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Unikont, Serendipity, Mantis Shrimp

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Last of the major era 3 seperate eon only 250 milllions years each 2 bill bacteria 2 billlion single cell architecture. In the palezoic- first organisms become multicellular (animals like); life in the oceans was only single cell algeo (cid:449)e do(cid:374)"t see major changes in that for a very long time. Therough out the whole of pelozoic we see multicellular life appearance: cambrian ordovician (100 million years) - cambrian explosion (we the ancestor to every animal type of life form make its appurtenance on earth. ) (fossil record explodes to from nothing into a complete 30+ phyla in one giant explosion of form) . What is so unque at the stat of the cambrian?in these animals As the orgaimsms meet up on land the animals will follow as well. The trasnistion on ladnhappens 400 million years ago. There will be a few surviviros of different architectures and forms. They will reset the stage in the repopulation of organisms in the ocean.