BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 17: Clathrin, Endocytosis, Exocytosis

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Vesicular traffic: shuttled into and out of within a cell through vesicles. In exocytosis, substances are directed out of the cell to be secreted by fusing a vesicle to the cell membrane. In endocytosis substances are engulfed into a cell by the formation of a vesicle around them. Exocytosis: secretory vesicle transported by pm, vesicle membrane fuses with pm, releasing contents to cell exterior, proteins i vesicle membrane become part of the pm. Exocytosis at a synapse: vesicles containing neurotransmitters arrive at the cell membrane, neurotransmitter is released outside of the cell. Endocytosis: encloses materials outside the cell in plasma membrane, pockets inward and forms endocytic vesicle on cytoplasmic side. Phagocytosis-cell eating: ex: white blood cells, portists-amoeba proteus, can take in large aggregates of moleculaes, cell parts, whole cells (prey) Module 20: cell signaling: molecular signals received by the cells that have redcpetors tuned to specific signals, when signal moleculae binds receptor- cellular response: