BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Macroevolution, Microevolution

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Natural selection: white moths most popular genotype, predators would eat dark colored moths, predators would eat the white moths because the color of the background changed. Individuals don"t evolve, population as a whole evolved: microevolution- small scale population, macroevolution- large scale population, two different species (squirrels, the squirrels evolved into two different species. Key notes: darwin was a very important contributor to evolution, population do evolve but individuals do nit, evolution is a key theme biology, fitness means you are able to reproduce. Photons of light have different wavelengths meaning they have different wavelength. Light energy from the sun is used by biological organisms and must be absorbed by pigments. Light can be reflected or transmitted or absorbed. We are interested in the absorbed light (energy absorbed) Photosynthesis is driven by light: pigment structure photons of light, absorption of light by chlorophyll.