BIO 1130 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Continental Drift, Evolutionary Taxonomy, Divergent Evolution

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BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
BIO 1130 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

A salt containing hco3 part of a buffering system. A branch of biology that deals with the geographical distribution of plants and animals. The circulation of carbon atoms in the biosphere. The basic unit of all organisms is the cell. Individual cells have all the characteristics of life. All cells come from the division of other cells. Any person whom two or more persons claim descent. Approach to understand biodiversity that uses natural variation. Attempt to understand the diversity and complexity of life. The long term movement of continents from the shifting of plates. The tendency of organisms living under the same conditions to develop similar body forms. Traveled for 5 years on the hms beagle as a cabin crew member. Over time and generations, the traits become more common within the new population. Branch of biological classification that seeks to classify organisms. The history book for life on earth and allows for study of the past.